Presented by Dr.
Rose, OmniHealth Medical, Concord NC - 2008 was a ground
breaking year for chiropractic research. Many studies focused
on the rate of vertebral subluxations in wellness. Vertebral subluxations are
areas in the spine where motion is restricted or bones (vertebrae) are out of
alignment. Dr. Rose corrects vertebral subluxations using gentle maneuvers called
chiropractic adjustment. In addition, chiropractors teach patients
how to prevent the physical, chemical and emotional causes of vertebrae subluxations.
Rose believes that the doctor-patient relationship is a partnership. When fully
informed, patients are better able to make choices that propel them toward optimal
health. That's why, at the end of each calendar year, Dr. Rose reviews the past
year's research on chiropractic and shares the most cutting edge
studies with patients. Following is a sampling of the landmark research published
in 2008. Chiropractic Better Than Traditional Medical Care for Back
Pain- In an eight week study, investigators compared chiropractic
care to pain management for chronic low back pain (CLBP). All 30 patients had
suffered from CLBP for more than 12 weeks. Researchers found that both pain intensity
and disability were significantly lower for those cared for with chiropractic.
Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. June 2008;14:465-73
May Reduce Scoliosis- Researchers in China report on a case of a 15 year
old girl with scoliosis that was significantly reduced with chiropractic
care.The patient was treated with spinal manipulation two times per week for
6 weeks at the outset, which was gradually decreased in frequency. After 18 months
of consecutive treatment, follow-up radiographs and examinations were conducted.
The scoliosis angle decreased by 16 degrees. "This suggests that in at least
some severe and progressive cases of scoliosis, chiropractic
treatment including spinal manipulation may decrease the need for surgery,"
say the authors. Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine - July 2008;14:749-51 Chiropractic May Alleviate Menstrual Pain-
A case series published in March demonstrates that chiropractic
adjustments significantly ease severe menstrual pain known as dysmenorrhea. The
investigation enrolled 13 women with an average age of 26 years who had suffered
from dysmenorrhea for an average of 12 years. Journal of Manipulative and Physical
Therapeutics - March 2008;31:237-46 Golfers Benefit From Chiropractic-
A study of 402 golfers reveals that approximately half of the subjects reported
having received chiropractic care in the past, and virtually
all reported having positive experiences with the care they received. Journal
of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics - May 2008;31:313-8