Home Page for Medical and Chiropractic Care in Concord
Physical Medicine, Chiropractic, Exercise Rehabilitation, Physical and Massage Therapy in Concord North Carolina
Chiropractor Concord
Exercise Rehabilitation
Comprehensive Therapy
Physical Therapies
Massage Therapy
Physician Supervised Weight Loss
Onsite NeuroDiagnostic & Vascular Testing
Onsite X-ray
Information on Our Providers Which Includes Doctorate of Chiropractic Degree, Nutrition and Women’s Health Issues,
Occupational Medicine, Musculoskeletal Disorders and Neurology
We File Insurance For Out-of-network As Well As In-network, Which Allows For Complete Care Without Restrictions, Letting Your Health Decisions Be Made By You And Your Doctor.
We Will Be Happy To Work With Your PCP Should Your Insurance Require A Referral.
Chiropractor Concord 
Spinal Manipulation
Exercise Rehabilitation
Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Intersegmental Traction
Heat/Cold Therapy
Trigger Point Therapy/Injections
Some Instances Of Weight Gain, Mood Swings, Headaches And Other Health Issues Can Be Solved Through Hormone Evaluation And Therapy.
Omnihealths Focus On Patient And Community Education Is Also Available Through The Health & Wellness Lecture Series Or Safety & Prevention Workshops. These Series Cover A Variety Of Different Health Topics. 
Customized Workshops And Lectures Are Available To Church Groups, Various Organizations, And Local Businesses. Evening Workshops Are Every Two Weeks In Our Office.
Highlights of Chiropractor Research Presented by Dr. Rose, OmniHealth Medical, Concord NC
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OmniHealth Medical Group is a Unique Type of Multidisciplinary Medical Facility - Contact Us for Chiropractic Care in Concord by Clicking Here
Chiropractic. Neuromuscular Massage Therapists - Concord NC

OmniHealth Medical Group in the Concord Kannapolis N.C. area uses a comprehensive medical and chiropractic approach to evaluate and treat patients.
This is accomplished by a team effort of chiropractors, neuromuscular massage therapists and certified athletic trainers. This team of specialized medical providers is our definition of complete care.

Chiropractic Care in Concord NC
Chiropractic care works because you are a self-healing and self-regulating organism controlled by your nervous system. Improper motion or position of the moving bones of
the spine (called a subluxation) can interfere with the flow of information coming from
your brain down the spinal cord. In fact, proper joint and soft tissue movement accounts for 90% of the vital function of your nervous system. This is similar to a windmill needing
to turn to produce energy. Irritated nerves and compromised function of affected, related organs and tissues result in improper, hyperactive organ function, high blood pressure
and usually only in the end stage,… pain. Ultimately, improper spinal alignment causes wear and tear on your joints and discs - just like a car out of alignment wears out tires
and metal parts.

Specific spinal adjustments can help improve mind/body communications and address
the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms. The intent is to restore your body's ability to regulate and heal itself without prolonged dependence on drugs or surgery. Health often returns with improved nervous system control of the body.

How long will it take? Since chiropractic care depends on the healing abilities of each patient, results can vary from patient to patient. Everyone responds differently. Some detect changes in a few short days or weeks. Others may take weeks to months before showing progress.

Will you have to go for the rest of your life? Some patients opt to continue with some type of regular spinal checkup similar to regular dental checkups. These patients show up feeling great. Their interest in wellness and prevention helps make sure that once they
get well, they stay well.

Chiropractic Care in the Kannapolis NC Area

Neuromuscular massage therapy is a form of therapy that uses a variety of soft tissue (muscle, tendons, ligaments) modalities to restore normal tones to muscle tissue. If the

This Is A Textbook Normal X-ray Of The Healthy Forward Curve Of The Neck. Loss Of Curve Can Effect The Brain Stem And Spinal Cord.

Most Patients That Come To Our Office With Neck Or Headache Pain Look Like This. How Does Your Posture Look?

body experiences stress, emotional, physical, or injury of some form, it protects itself by tightening. When muscle tissue tightens, it shortens, This can cause pain and postural distortions by pulling bones our of proper alignment. Some times a trigger point or tender point (an area of contracted muscle tissue that blocks blood and oxygen flow and accumulates metabolic waste) will manifest itself in the muscle or tendon unit. Trigger points can refer pain to seemingly unrelated areas of the body. This is known as referred pain. Trigger point therapy (myofascial therapy) is used to deactivate trigger points and alleviate pain. Myofascial release is used to stretch fascia, a thin connective tissue that surrounds and permeates the entire body. This restores flexibility and range of motion to the joint(s). Deep tissue work is used to lengthen muscle tissue. It also releases endorphins which are the body's natural pain killers.

Chiropractic Care in the Kannapolis NC Area

At OmniHealth Medical Group in Concord NC, exercise Rehabilitation is a form of therapy that focuses on stretching, strengthening and muscle reeducation. All three components are essential in maintaining proper skeletal form and function.

Exercise rehabilitation following an injury has several basic short-term goals. It controls pain, improves and maintains flexibility, increases strength, reestablishes neuromuscular control, and improves cardio-respiratory fitness. The long-term goal is to return to normal daily activities as quickly and safely as possible.

Certified athletic trainers work to facilitate each patient's rehabilitation program in the Concord - Kannapolis NC area. Athletic trainers perform a detailed evaluation focusing on the whole patient and their individual needs not just the specific injury. This evaluation provides them with the necessary tools to design a tailor-made exercise program to promote the healing process and improve the patients well being.

What is the next step? All patients are encouraged to continue what they have learned in their exercise rehabilitation program at home. A patient's active approach to self and preventative care completes the goal of maintaining optimum health. Just remember, you have to brush your teeth daily to maintain your health.... your spine is no different.