Balance - The Key to Health Hormones
exist in harmony with each other - partners in a delicate balancing act. When
levels of each hormone are in the right proportions for Concord
residents, body systems are stable. When balance is lost, hormone deficiencies
and excesses can become toxic to the body, causing unwanted symptoms, disorders
and disease such as heightened risk to diabetes and cancer. Symptoms
of imbalance include: Fibrocystic and tender breast tissue Heavy
menstrual bleeding Irregular menstrual cycles Mood swings Vasomotor
symptoms Weight gain Uterine fibroids Sleeplessness Inability
to build muscle mass 
us today at 704-784-4445 in Concord NC to schedule your appointment
for getting your hormone balance and health back. | What
causes hormone imbalance? Unbalanced Lifestyle Hormone
balance is deeply connected to the food we eat, the exercise we get the toxins
we absorb and the stress level we live with. Growing Older As reproductive
function sputters with age, hormone levels fluctuate then decline, triggering
hormone imbalances and menopause and Andropause onset. An unhealthy lifestyle
muddies the picture by speeding hormonal decline. How
can I balance my hormones? A key to hormone balance is the
knowledge that hormones work in tandem with a healthy mind and body.
OmniHealth Medical Group in Concord NC has the experience
and resources to answer your questions about symptoms that may be caused by an
imbalance in hormones. First, determine your symptoms Test your
hormones in an easy non-evasive saliva test to identify specific imbalances Prescribe
remedy to correct the imbalance and... have you feeling better.