Health Fairs are available to the community at little or no cost! The physicians,
staff and numerous volunteers that participate in the Health Fairs provide
different forms of screenings, including literature and evaluations to
answer questions. Typically, our Health Fairs involve
participation by six to twelve additional Health Care Facilities or
Service Providers. This makes for an extremely comprehensive and beneficial event.
Some of our local organizations or companies that have benefited from
our Health Fairs are: Sysco Foods of Charlotte, Inc., Perdue Farms
Inc., Cabarrus and Rowan County Schools. Health Fairs can be booked by
companies of all sizes and in all industries. Please contact our
office for more information or to schedule your company's personal Health
Fair. Most Popular Screenings Are: Surface
Electromyography Test Medicine Trigger Point Chiropractic Cholesterol/Glucose
Testing Health & Fitness Vision Blood Pressure Body Fat Analysis
Skin Care Nutrition & Diet | LECTURES
AND WORKSHOPS OmniHealth's focus on patient and community
education is also available through the Health & Wellness Lecture Series or
Safety & Prevention Workshops. These series cover a variety of different health
topics. Customized workshops and lectures are available to church groups,
various organizations, and local businesses. Evening workshops are every two weeks
in our office We also provide Trigger Point Workshops at our office on Tuesday
nights at 6:30. Appointment is necessary and dinner is provided. Call 704-784-4445
to sign up for one of our office workshops or to schedule a workshop at your location. Health
& Wellness Lecture Series/ Safety & Prevention Trigger
Point Workshop The Seven Signs of Stress, Causes, and Cures Staying Fit
While You Sit Peak Performance Headaches, Causes and Cures Six Ways
to Treat, Promote and Improve Human Health Low Back Pain Carpal Tunnel |