Home Page for Medical and Chiropractic Care in Concord
Physical Medicine, Chiropractic, Exercise Rehabilitation, Physical and Massage Therapy in Concord North Carolina
Chiropractor Concord
Exercise Rehabilitation
Comprehensive Therapy
Physical Therapies
Massage Therapy
Physician Supervised Weight Loss
Onsite NeuroDiagnostic & Vascular Testing
Onsite X-ray
Information on Our Providers Which Includes Doctorate of Chiropractic Degree, Nutrition and Women’s Health Issues,
Occupational Medicine, Musculoskeletal Disorders and Neurology
We File Insurance For Out-of-network As Well As In-network, Which Allows For Complete Care Without Restrictions, Letting Your Health Decisions Be Made By You And Your Doctor.
We Will Be Happy To Work With Your PCP Should Your Insurance Require A Referral.
Chiropractor Concord 
Spinal Manipulation
Exercise Rehabilitation
Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Intersegmental Traction
Heat/Cold Therapy
Trigger Point Therapy/Injections
Some Instances Of Weight Gain, Mood Swings, Headaches And Other Health Issues Can Be Solved Through Hormone Evaluation And Therapy.
Omnihealths Focus On Patient And Community Education Is Also Available Through The Health & Wellness Lecture Series Or Safety & Prevention Workshops. These Series Cover A Variety Of Different Health Topics. 
Customized Workshops And Lectures Are Available To Church Groups, Various Organizations, And Local Businesses. Evening Workshops Are Every Two Weeks In Our Office.
Highlights of Chiropractor Research Presented by Dr. Rose, OmniHealth Medical, Concord NC
Find Us Easily Here for Medical and Chiropractic Care in Concord
OmniHealth Medical Group is a Unique Type of Multidisciplinary Medical Facility - Contact Us for Chiropractic Care in Concord by Clicking Here

To begin your registration for medical and chiropractic care in Concord, please choose either the Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Word format to download and print from your computer.

After completing these forms, please mail to:

Health Medical Group, PA
70 Lake Concord Rd.
Concord, NC 28025

Please choose one of the printable formats below.

Privacy and Registration FormsPrivacy and Registration Forms

Welcome to OmniHealth Medical Group, P.A. in Concord NC! Improving your health is our primary concern. We approach each patient as an individual and realize that the origin for the symptoms you may be experiencing often varies significantly from person to person. Evaluation and treatment is focused on identifying and correcting the factors responsible for your compromised health as well as providing symptomatic relief.

OmniHealth in the Concord Kannapolis NC area, is a holistic medical office with a staff of both medical and chiropractic physicians.

Through this cooperative effort, both medical and chiropractic physicians work together to develop and implement a specialized treatment plan. The emphasis of our care focuses on the treatment of neuro-musculo-skeletal complaints by restoring the body's structural integrity and proper biomechanical function. Our physicians treat a variety of common health complaints such as headaches, neck and lower back pain, disc herniation, shoulder pain, numbness down the arms, whiplash injuries, muscle spasms, tendonitis, TMJ, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic pain.

Our goal is to be as informative as possible to decrease your anxiety. We will evaluate you as a whole person and will not limit our examination to the area of pain and dysfunction. We believe that educating our patients is just as important as improving their health. Helping you understand your health condition, how it progressed to its current state, and how appropriate treatment will help correct it is an integral part of our overall health care approach.

Our evaluation process begins by obtaining a detailed history of your current health complaint. Next, a comprehensive physical, orthopedic and neurological exam will be performed. Diagnostic testing such as lab tests, x-rays, and computerized neurological testing may be necessary, depending on physical exam findings. All necessary testing will be explained in advance so you will know what tests are being performed and for what purpose.

Now that you know what you can expect from us, we would appreciate the following from you.

  • Be on time for your appointment. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you may have to reschedule your appointment.
  • We ask that you give a 24-hour notice if you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment.
  • We provide a playroom and toys/videos for your children, but we are unable to provide childcare. It will be necessary for you to bring a responsible person to oversee your younger children during your visits with us.
  • Cell phones create havoc with our computer equipment. You will be required to mute your cell phone during your visit with us so that your care will not be disrupted or interfere with the care of others.
  • We expect payment at the time of service unless prior arrangements have been made.
  • No tipping of staff. This is a medical facility and we compensate staff for the services rendered to you.
  • We appreciate your feedback - praise or problem. We encourage open communication and value your opinion. Our Office Administrator will be happy to meet with you and discuss your concerns.

Our objective is to restore your health, but our ultimate goal is to keep you healthy and injury free. We embrace the proactive philosophy of a preventative lifestyle, stressing the importance of supervised exercise; nutritional counseling, weight management and periodic wellness care throughout the year to maintain your health. Our physicians and staff are here to address your health care needs.

Healthy Regards!